With a little effort I found this article, linking the report which seems to be the one you could not find. It includes tables of company-specific data for production and emissions:


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Very useful Tom - thanks

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It seems to cover company reported data, but I am certainly no expert on the GHGRP. I note the data covers 2019-2021, i.e. it would be "overlapping", so any improvements they did and all the certifications would cover improvements on that reported data.

Also, it is clear from the way DEC operates, that they acquire old wells and improve their operations. Hence, I would think it is conceivable that they get e.g. a leaking well and then improve it as they operate it.

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Great analysis!

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Editing this comment - and will come back to correct any mistakes. The EPA site confusingly changes units from tons to millions of tons at its whim. OK, so the total methane emission equivalents seem to be 185 million tons CO2e (not billion as you have it.) This now makes a lot more sense to me.

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Well spotted - have changed this - and the 0.0007% for the Appalachian basin becomes 0.7% of all methane emissions which also makes a lot more sense too.

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