DEC-iding to stay the course
Further thoughts on the rebuttal letter & is 23% the 2023 number?
Dear reader
I felt it necessary to write another article following DEC of Top Trumps covering DEC’s response to Honorable Pallone.
In let’s probe deeper still we saw how there was a large disparity between DEC’s audited methane emission and those of in the NGSI. 0.21% vs 0.71% for 2022. Drawing your attention to Page 4 of the Clean Air report:
Assume makes what out of u and me?
Now let me quote Rusty:
“Because of our heritage of being publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange since 2017, we have utilized the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) reporting format for emissions reported in our Sustainability Report. This approach differs slightly from EPA reporting, which prescribes specific emissions factors regardless of engineering estimates or direct measurement factors. In our 2019 inaugural Sustainability Report, we explained that the EPA established these prescribed emission factors in the 1990s to represent potential average emission rates for equipment such as pneumatic controllers, pneumatic pumps, and equipment leaks. The EPA has not adjusted these prescribed factors in nearly 30 years.”
Reader, this is why the EPA report shows 0.71%. It uses estimates. Not direct measurements. Isn’t it more than a little ironic that the whole premise of Bloomberg Green’s article was based on direct measurements 3 years ago! The EPA are expected to update their methodology in 2024.
We further know that 0.28% was reduced to 0.21% in 2022 through these measures set out in the letter. That’s a 25% reduction. What percentage do we think for 2023? Read on reader! Read on!
We can calculate using the 1H23 report and the letter that 56 well pads (111-(95-40)) were converted in 2023 reducing 28,500 MT Co2e. Knowing that in 2022 there were 686k MT Co2e that’s a 4.2% reduction of methane in 2023 just from the pneumatics and before any improvements to tanks, pipeline and compressors.
We further know about 3,400 wells were not inspected in 2022.
We know that about 54 wells were not inspected in 2023. So let’s assume they are all leaking - because we don’t know they’re not. Not been inspected, see? Assuming 1Kg an hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year adds up to 473mT of methane. Ouch! Pessimistic? Probably, but lets see what happens to the 2023 numbers.
Industry Firsts
Dec have achieved Industry Firsts
A non-technical assumption would be that it is sheer laziness or greed why continuous monitoring is not rolled out. Clearly the answer is more nuanced.
…Which is why DEC takes further measures using BEST-IN-CLASS LiDAR.
Bloomberg’s “unscientific research” (their words reader not OB’s) found 26 wells out of 44. Were these cherry picked in order to provide the basis for the article? (Because doing that would be a good reason for their use of the words “wasn’t scientific”, don’t you think?)
Diversified, whose equipment is 5000x better than Bloomberg’s noting their equipment dectected 5000 PPM vs 1 PPM as below, found 2.25% were below 1 part per million in 2023. (We don’t know how much of the remaining 2.25% were above 500 PPM which is the EPA’s definition of a leak, just that they weren’t zero)
Let’s say 10% of those were above 500ppm. (I know I know, now OB is assuming, but when you’re doing 246,000 surverys in a year, you’re not going to go from zero to >500 unless there’s a massive rupture - think of a dripping tap). Even 10% may be too high.
So 153 wells out of 68000 dispensing 1Kg of methane/hour for say 14 days, gets to 54Mt of Methane.
Adding in the earlier 473Mt arrives at 527Mt. So compared to 686Mt in 2022 that’s a further 23% reduction in 2023. An OB estimated NGSI reduced from 0.21% to potentially 0.12% for 2023 (the 23% reduction as a ratio to higher natural gas volumes in 2023 vs 2022 based on the acquisitions). One must, of course, consider pipeline leaks, tanks and compressor as other sources of emission - of course - but one can guesstimate the 2023 data being substantially better than 2022’s 686Mt of Methane (beyond the 4.2% reduction we know about).
Can’t you, reader?
A final thought: In the future will DEC listen?
Rusty and team will have, no doubt, have recently read about this emerging technology for leak detection.
Hear the leak. Hear it squeak. Fix it quieek.
Have a good weekend and this is, guess what, not advice.
Your DEC articles have provided some fine analysis, thank you again.
When it comes down to the 44 wells Bloomberg inspected, I think we have too few facts at hand to perform a credible analysis. Further, engaging in debate at that level drags analysis down to minutia which can prove hard to defend. Extrapolation can be fun but are probably not productive in this case. Better to stick with the very credible reductions (as of 2022) reported in the November 15 presentation. And the Gold award for verification. And point out that DEC's balance sheet already provides for the retirement of 18K wells (25% of the fleet) at $25K. And highlight DEC's rapid growth in well retirement capacity along with work for the states. In short, the presentations (and 2022 Annual Report) on DEC's website are chock full of evidence to debunk the allegations.
A little over a year ago, DEC traded at 27 pounds or roughly US$34. Then the Ohio River Valley Institute and Bloomberg did hit pieces on DEC. This is the same nonsense referenced in the letter from a handful of members of the House Energy Committee to which DEC has responded fully.
Currently, the market believes the nonsense and prices the stock accordingly. Ultimately, fact will displace rumor and investors will take note of the potential return, especially the dividend. The price will recover but it will take time. Ordinarily, I would pass on the waiting but, in this case, the payment to wait is just too good to pass up.
Where DEC management has failed (in my view) is in failing to employ the crisis management tactics required to dispel these the ORVI/Bloomberg/Committee allegations and restore its reputation. A year of stock declines says FTI Consulting, which appears to handle DEC's public relations, is clearly not up to the job. There are public relations firms which specialize in this type of work and DEC needs to get one on board ... yesterday. Even then it will take time.
One example. The Letter To The House Committee was thorough and well-written ... and very long. DEC should have concurrently issued an abbreviated version to the press covering its strongest points. It should also have prepared talking points for key executives and sent them out to do interviews. (The recent Yahoo Finance interview was a major disappointment.)
Hey, can you do a de-bunk/review of the ORVI report?