I agree with most you write on DEC - not all but most. Irrespective of that, I appreciate the time and effort you give, and accordingly, I for one, was happy to give a donation in acknowledgement of such.

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Oak, you're pretty spot-on, but the mistake Ohio made lies in the difference between horizontal and vertical wells. One will cost 25,xxx and the other 115,xxx. So they don't earn $105k per well with nextLVL and DEC has a lot of wells that will cost 25,xxx or lower to plug and a small portion of wells that will cost around €115,xxx to plug.

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That's a really good point. Also there appears to be a number of other factors - whether a coal bed is involved, the depth of the well, water-bearing strata, the depth of the shallowest gas-bearing strata and the need for a surface plug or casing. And of course the rules change state to state. None of which is explored by Ted'n'Kathy. This is I believe what the law says for West Virginia:


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Oak. The investor bulletin boards are full of calculations on the ARO's of DEC. (The methane emission claims of Ohio River seem to be discredited already). The key disputed variables appear to be the the life expectancy of the portfolio and the anticipated future NG price required to provide cash to pay for ARO's and divs. I assume that you have been monitoring the gossip and that there is nothing that has shaken your confidence in your calcs

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Hi Fluff, I’ve drafted a further article on ARO exploring this further and will be publishing soon - but to answer your question nothing has made me concerned - and today’s “no known reason” from DEC echoes that confidence too. I’ve topped up today at 991p.

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