Nope and none; and they actually sent me to school; unlike it seems yours (unless maybe English isn't your first language); which is actually a form of abuse? Keep digging. I think we're both going to be blocked here, as a result, BtW, unfortunately.
Great Read
That was an excellent write up and you've been proven correct... so far! Which = it's not 1/2 price now!?
Come on it's 'their' not 'there'- how hard is that?
Nope and none; and they actually sent me to school; unlike it seems yours (unless maybe English isn't your first language); which is actually a form of abuse? Keep digging. I think we're both going to be blocked here, as a result, BtW, unfortunately.
You're sick; suggest you need to and do get help asap (i.e. not (only) with spelling and grammar).